The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is in the highest hierarchy of the Company’s organ structure. It has exclusive authority outside the Directors or Board of Commissioners within limits specified in the Act and/or the Company’s Articles of Association. GMS is a forum where shareholders get information, express opinions, and vote on the Company’s business interests.
As a basis for public companies, the GMS is regulated in the Company’s Articles of Association and Financial Service Authority Regulation (“POJK”) No.15/POJK.04/2020, dated 20 April 2020 regarding the Plans and Implementation of Public Company Shareholders’ General Meetings, and POJK No.16/POJK.04/2020, dated 20 April 2020 regarding Implementation of Public Company Shareholders’ General Meetings Electronically.
Power of Attorney Form - Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Published: 10/05/2021